Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why Diets Don't Work

      If people want to lose weight, they usually turn to diets. Unfortunately, dieting doesn't work. It may work for a short period of time, but the weight will always come back on, and many people end up gaining even more. It has been estimated that around 70% of female and 30% of male
adults have dieted at some point in their life. And yet, the rate of overweight and obese people continues to rise.

        Diets don't work for many reasons. Many are fad diets that require people to highly restrict their intake of calories or carbohydrates. Most diets involve a significant change in a person's normal eating habits over an extended period of time. The problem is that we have a hard time with change - many feel that their habits define them and who they are. Giving up what you have always known can be scary.

       Dieting is also difficult because it relies on our willpower to keep us on the right track. The reality is that many people don't possess a lot of willpower over long periods of time, especially if the dietary rules are strict and they constantly feel hungry. Dieting is difficult because people have not learned the difference between willpower and a commitment to a long term behavioral change when it comes to diet and exercise.

       The first step in weight loss is assessing your current health and overall fitness level. A few important things to know are your Body Mass Index (BMI), Cholesterol Levels, and Blood Pressure Levels. Knowing these numbers is important so that you are able to construct a lifestyle plan that will cater to your individual fitness needs. This is usually done through a personalized fitness regime and a customized diet plan.
What is your BMI?

For More Diet Tips and Diet Program, Visit My Source: 

Practical And Easy Tricks In Attempting To Lose Weight

         Ever feel like you want to give up with your present weight loss struggle? Dieting can indeed be very so disappointing and frustrating sometimes. But this doesn't mean that you have to give up the fight. This doesn't mean that there is no more hope left for you. In fact, there are practical and easy tricks that will help us in our constant struggle of losing weight. Read on and find out.
         The truth of the matter is that the tricks to a fast weight loss are not tricks at all. Dedication and commitment to do and uphold a proper diet coupled with a regular exercise routine may be what you need in this endeavor. But of course, there are some little things here and there that you can still do on a regular and continuous basis that will help you speed up your strong efforts
Enumerated below are some of the "tricks" that will help you in losing weight in a fast but definitely healthy way. These are just some of the possible steps you could do and it will not hurt if you can still add a few tricks of your own.

Take a healthy breakfast everyday
         You see, breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. It may not look a big deal for you but this meal is certainly essential that should be taken in order to jump start your day and give your metabolism a kick in its start. Taking and enjoying a good serving of breakfast, like healthy and delicious oatmeal plus a piece of fruit to go along with it, you are actually helping in delivering to your brain an important signal that your body is well-nourished and therefore your brain will tell your body not to crave up anything junk before it is time for lunch. Studies will eve backed this trick up. There are studies that show that taking a healthy breakfast can contribute to a definitely long term losing of weight.

Stay clear from foods that are of no good to you
         Foods that are high in sugar and calories, and also junk foods that will tempt your healthy diet should be tossed away. The same with the likes of chips, cakes, white bread, pasta, cookies-these should also be avoided. Rather take pleasure in consuming carbohydrates that are taken for healthy sources like fruits, whole grains, and vegetables. You can also try pita chips, grilled veggies, and brown rice. This group will certainly give you the full feeling and the energy that you will need the whole day.

And of course, do not forget the alliance of drinking lost of H2O
         Taking in many glasses of water all throughout the day and the night is nothing but good for you. Do not feast on diet drinks and sodas since they also contain the sugar that you certainly don't need. Eating vegetables and fruits that are watery, like grapes, cucumbers, watermelon, oranges, and tomatoes, can also be helpful. The main point here is to stay hydrated so that you will not starve or you will not feel hunger creeping in.
         These are just some of the simple tricks that you can always try and improve as you go deeper into your venture to lose weight. Put shock to your metabolism early in the day so that it will have the start that will readily kick off your day. And whatever style or method you used, remember that dedication and commitment will still be your guiding principles.

For More Diet Tips and Diet Program, Visit My Source: 
For More Informations, send me a mail on everythingishigh@yahoo.co.id